The water-soluble based compound contains extremely less oil.

“IZ COMPOUND” is able to use for polishing after painting and pretreatment before coating.
Water soluble based compound which contains only about 0.5% of oil is able to cut excessive degreasing.
2 different levels of particle are available, ìUltra Fine Particleî which is
very fine particle and ìExtra Fine Particleî which is little rougher particle than ìUltra Fine Particleî
Water soluble based compound which contains only about 0.5% of oil is able to cut excessive degreasing.
2 different levels of particle are available, ìUltra Fine Particleî which is
very fine particle and ìExtra Fine Particleî which is little rougher particle than ìUltra Fine Particleî
□Type : Extra Fine Particle
□Type : Extra Fine Particle
- 200mℓ¥4,400(品番:IC-01)
- 1ℓ¥7,700(品番:IC-03)
- 18ℓ¥99,000(品番:IC-05)
※The prices shown here are included tax.
※The prices shown here are included tax.
□Type : Ultra Fine Particle
□Type : Ultra Fine Particle
- 200mℓ¥4,400(品番:IC-02)
- 1ℓ¥7,700(品番:IC-04)
- 18ℓ¥99,000(品番:IC-06)
※The prices shown here are included tax.
※The prices shown here are included tax.

IZ METALの再施工時に使用することもできます。It is also good to remove painted “IZ METAL”,
ROHANオリジナルのメタル塗料、「IZ METAL」の施工に失敗した際、このIZ COMPOUND(超微粒子)を使ってポリッシャーをかけ、IZ METALクリーナーBで拭き上げると、IZ METALの塗膜をキレイにはがすことができます。このコンパウンドは油分が極端に少ないため、IZ METALの再施工時に脱脂の手間が省け便利です。Even if failed to paint IZ METAL, the painted surface can be cleanly removed by polishing with this “IZ COMPOUND” (Ultra fine particle) and wipe off with IZ CLEANER B. This water-soluble based compound contains extremely less oil and can skip the degrease procedure before re-painting.
※IZ METALに関しては、本サイト内の「オリジナル塗料 → IZ METAL」をご覧下さい。
※ For further information of “IZ METAL”, please visit “Original paint → IZ METAL” page.
※ For further information of “IZ METAL”, please visit “Original paint → IZ METAL” page.